Dragon Capital Vietfund Management (DCVFM) | Fund Factsheet

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General Information

Fund name DC Bond Fund
Fund code DCBF
Fund Type Bond fund
Currency VND
Inception date 2013-06-10
Conversion date 0000-00-00
Fund Manager Dragon Capital Vietfund Management (DCVFM)
Custodian Bank Standard Chartered Bank VN
Transfer Agency Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD)
Distributors See homepage dragoncapital.com.vn
Management fee 1,2%
Subscription fee 0%
Redemption fee 0% - 2% tùy thời gian nắm giữ
Switching fee 0% - 1% tùy thời gian nắm giữ
Trading cycle Every Friday (T day)
Cut-off time 14h30 on T-1 day
Dividend Annually (upon AGM approval)
Total NAV (VND bn) 1,238.5
Number of outstanding shares (mn) 47.5
12-month Expense Ratio (%) 1.4
12-month Turn-over Ratio (%) 116.1


The investment objective of DCBF is to generate returns by actively investing in Vietnamese fixed income markets (including government bonds, government guaranteed bonds, municipal bonds, corporate bonds), and money market instruments.


As of: 
As at 31 May 2024, the net asset value of DCBF Fund units (NAV/unit) was VND 26,094.3, an increase of 0.56% compared to end of Apr 2024 and 2.78% YTD. For the month, DCBF outperformed the average 12-month deposit rates of the four biggest banks, which rose by 0.4% and 1.99% over the same period. In May 2024, DCBF issued 7.53m new fund certificates (units) with a value of VND 196.1 bn and bought back 2.6m units with a value of VND 66.5bn, resulting in a net subcription value of VND 129.7 bn. The total net asset value and total assets of the Fund as at 31 May 2024 was VND 1,238.5bn and VND 1,250.2bn, respectively. In May 2024, DCBF executed some transactions related to corporated bonds (CB). As at 31 May 2024, CBs made up the largest portion of the DCBF portfolio (43.5% compared to 49.4% as at end of Apr 2024); of which 13% for tenors less than 1 year), followed by cash and bank deposits combined (36.5% compared to 28.3% as at end of Apr 2024), and CDs (20.0% compared to 22.3% as at end of Apr 2024). The average remaining maturity of the portfolio is about 0.9 year and the average remaining maturity of the corporate bonds was 1.4 years.

Performance Chart

Rate of Return

As of: 
NAV/đvq & Index 1 month 3 months YTD 12 months Since Inception 


As of: 


This document is issued by Dragon Capital VietFund Management (DCVFM). The information herein is deemed reliable sources by DCVFM, based on published sources and DCVFM isn’t responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, except the information, data of Funds managed by DCVFM and provided in this document. This document reflects the views and assessments of the author at the time of issue, for references only and may change without notice. This document is neither a prospectus nor an offer or any commitment of DCVFM or Funds managed by DCVFM. DCVFM hasn’t obligation to update, revise this document in any form in the case of opinions, forecasts and estimations in this document changes or becomes inaccurate