Dragon Capital Vietfund Management (DCVFM) | Fund Factsheet

1800 1203

DragonX: Web Version Announcement


Dear valued investors,

On April 08, Dragon Capital Vietnam (DCVFM) release web version of DragonX at https://dragonx.com.vn/.

We also would like to announce the termination of the the old website VF-iTrade as of April 15, 2022. From this date, all investors of DCVFM will use DragonX as an official web & app to transaction.

With our aim towards ceaseless refining the quality of customer service and experience, DCVFM will continue to have new updates for DragonX in the coming days. Thank you very much for your support and understanding!

If you have any questions, please contact DCVFM for help at:
– Email: cskh@dragoncapital.com
– Hotline: 1800 1203